Saturday, August 30, 2008

No budget for sport ah?

Budget 2009 already out. Government servants jumping up and down 'cos they got the one month bonus. But I sort of wanting to see more money be spent on develpment as well. For example money should be spent on building up more sports facilities, improving the existing one and the needs to nurture budding sportsman. Malaysia is well known for its hockey, squash, badminton, lawn bowl and of late archery and swimming. more efforts and programme should have been given towards developing these games. Badminton, squash and hockey deserve the special treatment. We need to built more facilities and amenities to expand the pool of players for these sports. We cant simply rely on the 2 Dato's to keep on flying the Msian flags. Hockey need to be expanded and games be held at every states rather than concentrating within the Klang Valley. Bring the game to the other towns. I used to watch hockey at ist best time in Seremban. everything was held and organised at the NS Padang. The stiff and rivalry between KGV and St. Paul and the games played by Kilat and PD Garisson and not forgetting the Tampin Rovers had all contributed good hockey not only to Negri and Msia but to the world of hockey as well. We've heard and had the likes of Brian Sta Maria, Fidellis, Williams and Lazarrus coming out of Negri's hockey. It is high time MHA to revamp and plan their programme to let the states held and expand the game hockey.
If we are targetting for London Olympics in 2012, then we better start and get cracking now. I dont want to hear Ministry of Sports or KOAM still giving the same excuse over and over again. Tak syok la like that Sir!

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