Saturday, August 30, 2008


Met Dato A Samad Said at the Book Exhibit at Shah Alam PKNS Compleks recently. Dato looked very tired, though we blessed our good fortune of having had the chance to meet him. My other half wasted no time in taking photograph with Dato.

Selamat Berpuasa

To all of you guys out there, sesiapa yang akan menyambut Ramadhan., selamat menjalanai ibadah berpuasa., semoga segala ibadah yang dijalani mendapat berkat dan rahmat dari Allah swt. InsyaAllah

No budget for sport ah?

Budget 2009 already out. Government servants jumping up and down 'cos they got the one month bonus. But I sort of wanting to see more money be spent on develpment as well. For example money should be spent on building up more sports facilities, improving the existing one and the needs to nurture budding sportsman. Malaysia is well known for its hockey, squash, badminton, lawn bowl and of late archery and swimming. more efforts and programme should have been given towards developing these games. Badminton, squash and hockey deserve the special treatment. We need to built more facilities and amenities to expand the pool of players for these sports. We cant simply rely on the 2 Dato's to keep on flying the Msian flags. Hockey need to be expanded and games be held at every states rather than concentrating within the Klang Valley. Bring the game to the other towns. I used to watch hockey at ist best time in Seremban. everything was held and organised at the NS Padang. The stiff and rivalry between KGV and St. Paul and the games played by Kilat and PD Garisson and not forgetting the Tampin Rovers had all contributed good hockey not only to Negri and Msia but to the world of hockey as well. We've heard and had the likes of Brian Sta Maria, Fidellis, Williams and Lazarrus coming out of Negri's hockey. It is high time MHA to revamp and plan their programme to let the states held and expand the game hockey.
If we are targetting for London Olympics in 2012, then we better start and get cracking now. I dont want to hear Ministry of Sports or KOAM still giving the same excuse over and over again. Tak syok la like that Sir!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Football my foot!!

Cant imagine that FAM did reverse their stand on foreign players playing in Malaysian league. But Im sure the ruling is not going to serve the Malaysian football standard any better. I thing they have put the nation on dismay. What FAM should have done actually is to study how to bring back the fans. Of course with modern games and ASTRO spoiling tje football league in the country, FAM found it difficult to gain enough money to pay the players let alone the foreign one. But the reverse will not improve Msian football. When we mix politic and religion with football, then thegame will suffer. One may asked why is it so important for football clubs in the UK or Europe scrambled to buy players, top or otherwise but the story is the reverse in Msia. Will all the hypes and announcement, it will leads to spur the fans, the supporters and eventually leads to increase in season tickets sale. The Club will try and buy players simply s marketing plans to boost tickets sales and merchandise. What we have in Msia is not very encouraging. We dont encourage fans to travel simply because the holidays are not synchronise! Sunday is a working day in Ktan and trengganu as well as kedah, so how do you expect for them to travel and follow their teams? Cant afford to take holidays the entire seasons! Bus companies will not thrive, hotels will not be able to do extra business, stadiums will not be filled!
FAM and state government must go back to the drawing board, Think how to bring back the fans, how to fill up the stadiums. Donot politicised football! Think football as an industry! We have a lot to gain, we can improve the economy and bring back the glory of football in the country and malaysia's reputation as a footballing Nation.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Salam perkenalan. Agak sekian lama saya mengidam untuk mempunyai blog saya sendiri. Alhamdulillah, pada hari ini, 26 Ogos 2008, 'Ngokngek' muncul dipersada blog, untuk berkongsi sama dengan para bloggers.., mencurah hati., memendam rasa. Kenapa memileh 'Ngokngek'? Ianya begitu bermakna bagi saya kerana pada tahun 1985 saya pernah menghantar skrip kartun saya untuk disiarkan dalam Berita Harian dan menggunakan nama skrip kartun tersebut 'Ngokngek'. Terima kasih kepada Berita Harian dan khususnya Dato Nazri Abdullah, selaku Ketua Ediitor BH ketika itu kerana memberi saya kesempatan untuk berkartun! Kini Ngokngek kembali dalam arena yang berbeda.., dalam arena blogging. Saya akan sekerap mungkin memblog, almaklum kerana baru memblogging dan memblogging tidak sepenuh masa., insyaAllah.