Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Football time!

Where have all the Malaysia badges gone!!

Malaysia beat Laos 3 - 1 and qualified for the SEA Games football final - after a lapse and gold drought of 20 years. But what a crap it was., the semi final game. Malaysia - oops sorry - did I say Malaysia? or was it 1Malaysia or heck, was it just my eyesight? bloody hell that jerseys haven't got any Malaysian badge on it!! That semi final or rather the team was actually representing FAM and not Malaysia or 1Malaysia! An oversight or was it done on purposed? Can someone explain to me why the Malaysian Under 20 team - or for that matter - the football team have FAM badges on them and not the national one!

Anyway, I was shocked to witness the game - the standard of football , the 'way the Malaysian' team was playing. Schoolboy standards to say the least - ball control was terrible, no possession football, no vision, cant even passed the ball properly. Utterly rubbish. What a standard! I think they were lucky, really lucky and fluke to have beaten Laos. That guy who scored the second goal, was running aimlessly minutes earlier (when he had the ball), just did not know what to do with the ball - before he was brought down by the Laos player. And presto, a minute later he scored and became the instant hero!! But I tell you, come final, they will be slaughtered by Vietnam, if they produce that kind of football, that king of 'commitment!'.

We have a long way to go in this game. We must be serious if we want to put the country high up the pedestal of world football.

Good luck 1Malaysia. Good luck for the final.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Plain Reminder!

WHITE COFFEE Oldtown Kopitiam 'WCOK' telah beroperasi bermula sekitar tahun 1999. Dimana diawal penubuhan status HALAL sebenarnya telah diragui lagi.

Beberapa produk yang harus diragui STATUS HALAL & dikenalpasti HARAMnya ialah:-

-Nissin Noodles (Mee Segera Nissin Noodles) yang diimport dari Hong Kong (tertulis dipaket bungkusan)

-Daging Salai yang digunakan pada hidangan Sandwish & Nissin Noodles juga diragui status halalnya. Ini kerana pada waktu awal penubuhan White Coffee Oldtown Kopitiam 1999 tiada dipasaran Malaysia yang menjual Daging Salai HALAL. Perkara ini anda boleh rujuk kepada para penyelidik, pensyarah & pelajar di Fakulti/ Jabatan Perhotelan @ F&B / Food & Beverages.
-Minyak yang digunakan didalam penyediaan menu ' Ipoh Ho Fun @ Ipoh Kuew Teaw Sup'. Minyak tersebut dihasilkan sendiri oleh WCOK dan tidak terdapat dipasaran. Hanya diberitahu ianya minyak udang. Tetapi adakah ianya benar & tiada campuran lain?

-Herbal Jelly adalah produk yang diimport daripada China . Diberitakan, antara isi kandungannya adalah kulit kura-kura. Khasiatnya dikatakan dapat memanaskan anggota dalaman badan (persoalannya - bolehkan UMAT ISLAM makan yang terhasil daripada KURA-KURA)

Apa yang membuatkan UMAT ISLAM diMalaysia TERPEDAYA dengan status HALALnya ialah salinan sijil HALAL yang dikeluarkan oleh JABATAN AGAMA ISLAM PERAK @ 'JAIPK' pada beberapa produknya dijaja dengan mengatakan JAIPK akan memberi STATUS HALAL pada semua produknya yang sehiingga kini (dari awal penubuhnnya-dekat 10tahun dah) masih lagi tidak diperoleh Sila layari laman Web WCOK. Hanya sijil halal bagi beberapa produk yang disahkan oleh JAIPK yang dijajanya. Berbagai anugerah telah diperolehi, namun STATUS HALAL BAGI RESTORENNYA masih lagi TIDAK BERJAYA DIPEROLEHI. KENAPA & MENGAPA? Maka itulah umat islam dinegara ini terpedaya dengan helah apabila nama JAIPK digunakan.

Selain daripada penyalahgunaan Sijil Halal yang dikeluarkan oleh JAIPK umat islam juga terpedaya dengan paparan pekerja islam yang diambil bekerja. Dimana dengan mengatakan yakni makanan yang dihidangkan adalah halal, maka pekerja-pekerja islam ini telah terpedaya untuk berkerja seterusnya menjadi penipuan yang tidak diketahui mengenai status halal makanan direstoren tersebut. Bagi pengunjung-pengunjung, apabila melihat Sijil HALAL yang dipaparkan (yang dikeluarkan oleh JAIPK bg sesetengah produk sahaja & bukan yang dikeluarkan oleh JAKIM yakni pengesahan makanan yang dihidangkan oleh restoren terbabit adalah HALAL semuanya) serta pekerja-pekerja islam (yang tidak mengetahui akan Status Non-HALAL yang dihidangkan.Siap pakai tudung lagi) maka dengan mudahnya mereka memasuki dan menjamahnya.

Seperti apa yang berlaku di KULIM, KEDAH bagi Kopitiam PAK'HAINAN (juga 'TIDAK HALAL'). Sungguh menyedihkan apabila pengurus restoren beragama Islam dan berbangsa Melayu tidak mengendahkan & mengetahui status HALAL bagi makanan yang dihidangkan. Papan tanda diluar restoren juga sungguh besar menunjukkan pekerja islamnya memakai tudung menghidangkan makanan.

Begitu juga yang berlaku di TESCO Seberang Jaya, Perai pula Kopitiam WHITE HOUSE (juga 'TIDAK HALAL') selain menghidangkan `noodles @ mee' yang TIDAK HALAL dan beberapa menu lagi yang tidak diketahui Status HALAL HARAMnya, mereka juga dengan selamba & tampa rasa bersalah mengunakan LOGO HALAL JAKIM tampa kelulusan. Apabila ditanya, mereka menjawab produk mereka semuanya HALAL. Dan apa buktinya bagi Noodles @ Mee Import yang dihidangkan dan beberapa produk lain, tidak tahu jawapannnya.

Di TESCO Kajang pada tahun 2006, WHITE COFFEE Oldtown Kopitiam telah menghidangkan `noodles @ Meenya' yang antara isi kandungannya terdapat 'LUNCHEON MEAT'. Aduan telah dibuat, namun tiada tindakan daripada pejabat Agama diambil bagi men`yamak' restoren terbabit.

Perkara ini telah disahkan oleh perkerja Islam White Coffee Oldtown Kopitiam (kini telah berhenti apabila mengetahui perkara ini) selain daripada pekerja pihak pengurusan berbangsa Cina (juga telah berhenti apabila menghadapi tekanan daripada pelanggan mengenai Status HALAL JAKIM).

Selain itu, walaupun WCOK telah membuka sehingga melebihi 100 cawangan dari tahun 1999-2008 diseluruh negara yakni dari utara hingga ke selatan namun STATUS HALALnya masih lagi tidak diperolehi. Dalam masa 10tahun, 100 cawangan telah berjaya dibuka dengan menghidangkan kepada UMAT ISLAM MALAYSIA makanan yang HARAM. Dan sungguh menyedihkan apabila pihak JAKIM selaku pihak Jabatan Agama yang bertanggungjawab dinegara ini mengambil sikap berdiam diri. Adakah seseorang dijabatan ini telah disogok agar tiada isu dibangkitkan & tindakan diambil walaupun sebenarnya telah ada aduan yang dibuat. Apakah pihak di JAKIM hanya melihat kepentingan yang akan diperolehi dengan tindakan ini tetapi tidak PERHINTUNGAN di PADANG MASYAR nanti? Apakah perlu adanya aduan baru ada tindakan? Sedangkan pihak JAKIM telah melihat begitu ramai umat islam menjamah makanan di `WHITE COFFEE OLDTOWN KOPITIAM' yang 'TIADASTATUS HALAL' dan kini terbukti 'TIDAK HALAL' nya. Adakah tiada pemantauan dan tindakan bagi pihak yang `TIDAK MENDAPAT KEBENARAN/ KELULUSAN' JAIKIM menjugakan LOGO HALAL JAKIM?

Hanya beberapa Kopitiam sahaja yang prihatin & dilihat telah mendapat `PENGESAHAN SIJIL HALAL JAKIM' walaupun baru setahun jagung dibuka. Seperti SWENZ KOPITIAM & KAPITAN KOPITIAM. Dimana melalui produk menunya didapati sememang tiada makanan yang diimport dari TAIWAN,
HONG KONG & JEPUN yang kebanyakkannya tidak HALAL. Mengapa restoren ini boleh mendapat Status HALAL JAKIM & terdapat sesetengahnya TIADA HALAL JAKIM.

Jawapannya MUDAH, ini kerana sesetengah hidangan makanan yang dihidangkan di Rangkaian Kopitiam seperti:-


- NEWTOWN Kopitiam


-PAK HAINAN Kopitiam

-JOM BALI Kopitiam

adalah 'TIDAK HALAL'

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A friend sent this article tru my email. An over blown issue..? Judge yourself..
Gempa: Bantuan Malaysia Ditolak Warga Sumatra Barat

JAKARTA - Berbagai bantuan telah mengalir dan mulai menumpuk di Bandara Minangkabau, Padang, Sumatera Barat sejak Kamis lalu, hal ini cukup mengganggu kepadatan traffic di Bandara Minangkabau, Padang, Sumatera Barat, yang sudah cukup tinggi dan mengakibatkan sejumlah penerbanganmengalami delay.
Bahkan pesawat yang ditumpangi Menteri Kesehatan Siti Fadilah Supari dan Menko Kesra Aburizal Bakrie sempat tertahan di udaraPadang selama beberapa jam.
Namun ada yang menarik dari tumpukan bantuan tersebut, yaitu dipisahkannya bantuan dari Pemerintah Malaysia dengan bantuan dari negara-negara lainnya, hal ini di sebabkan karena adanya penolakan bantuan dari Pemerintah Malaysia dikarenakan alasan sumber dana Judi.
"Kami sangat berterimakasih atas kepedulian Pemerintah Malaysia, namun karena dibeberapa tempat terjadi penolakan dikarenakan alasan judi, kami memilih untuk memisahkan bantuan Pemerintah malaysia dengan bantuan negara lain, akan tetapi banyak jugabantuan dari perkumpulan warga minang di Malaysia yang mengirim bantuan dan tidak ditolak" ujar Kepala Distribusi Bantuan Bandara Minangkabau, Departemen Perhubungan Budi S Ervan.
Seperti diketahui Pemerintah Malaysia memiliki fasilitas perjudian terbaik dan terlengkap di AsiaTenggara dengan omset pendapatan 4 Milliar Dollar/tahun bernama GentingHighland, dan hal tersebut dinilai warga Sumatra Barat sangat bertolak belakang dengan budaya Muslim negeri Jiran tersebut. Bantuan PemerintahMalaysia berupa Mie Instan, Selimut, Tenda dan obat-obatan terlihat dibiarkan menumpuk di sisi kiri bandara Minagkabau dan sangat menggangu lalu-lintas bantuan korban gempa.
"Bantuan dari Negara Jepang yang tiba lebih dulu berupa 2500 Genset, 500 Tenda, 25 Instalasi penyaringan air, 400 Toilet portable dan 10 Kontainer Rumah Sakit Mini sudah kami sebarkan di 6 Kabupaten, sedang dari Pemerintah Amerika, Brasil,Jerman, Filipina, Brunai, Australia, Thailand, Vietnam dan Russia berupa Beras, obat-obatan, tenda, selimut, bahan makanan, instalasi air yang total keseluruhan berjumlah sekitar 28.000 ton akan tiba mulaihari ini, kami berusaha berkoordinasi dengan Barkorlak dan Palang MerahInternasional untuk penyediaan tempat penyimpanan dan penyalurannya" ujar Budi S Ervan.

Harian Kota, Jumat (2/10/2009).

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

H1N1 - Are We Dead Serious?

Since the first outbreak of swine flu symptoms, people have been wearing surgical or flu masks to keep themselves from getting infected. But somehow or rather, Malaysians were quite reluctant of wearing these masks. Perhaps, we can do something extra and special in order to encourage people to wear these flu or surgical masks. Instead of wearing the plain, boring white masks, why not have a little fun by wearing one of these funny face masks?

We are not only protecting ourselves by wearing one of these funny face masks, but we will also undoubtedly be putting a smile on someone’s face during this frightening outbreak of swine flu symptoms. Why not!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Lee Kuan Yew on Aging

Got this article from somebody in my mail that I would love to share with. Article on aging by Lee Kuan Yew.

MY CONCERN today is, what is it I can tell you which can add to your knowledge about ageing and what ageing societies can do.

You know more about this subject than I do. A lot of it is out in the media, Internet and books. So I thought the best way would be to take a personal standpoint and tell you how I approach this question of ageing.If I cast my mind back, I can see turning points in my physical and mental health. You know, when you’re young, I didn’t bother, I assumed good health was God-given and would always be there. When I was about – ‘57 that was – I was about 34, we were competing in elections, and I was really fond of drinking beer and smoking. And after the election campaign, in Victoria Memorial Hall – we had won the election, the City Council election – I couldn’t thank the voters because I had lost my voice. I’d been smoking furiously.

... more

Friday, August 21, 2009

English Premier League

Hull 1 Spurs 5
Tottenham Hotspur continues their great run in the premiee league by trouncing Hull City 5 - 1 at the KC Stadium in Hull. Defoe scored a hattrick with the other 2 coming from Wilson Palacios and Robbie Keane. But Spurs coulbd be thanking their lucky stars, blessing in disguise, when Heurelho Gomez had to be replaced by Carlo Cudicini in the 16th minute when the keeper landed awkwardly following an extravagant punch, looked shame-faced as he retrieved the ball.
Last Sunday, Spurs had a great start to their Premier League campaign this season by beating Liverpool 2 - 1 last Sunday at White Heart Lane. only to be equalised by Gerrard from the spot when erratic and clumsy Gomez brought down Johnson just inside Spurs' penalty box. Bassong, the new player brought in from Newcastle did the damage when he made the right connection with an headed goal.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Odd One Out

This is an article written by my daughter when she was in Form 4 at SMK King George V, Seremban. She contributed the article for her school magazine. I retyped the article, without her knowing it, for I feel it was splendidly written and worth sharing with. Enjoy.

I used to like school when I was younger. I loved having my parents send me to school every morning. How excited I felt whenever it was lunch time. I even remembered all the pranks my classmates and I pulled on our teachers. I guess when you were young and innocent, school seemed fun because it would mean you didn’t have to be stuck at home playing video games with your younger siblings. Now, I dreaded going to school.

My school days didn’t seem to be as fun as they used to be. I found myself hiding away from everyone thinking they wouldn’t want a person like me to be their friend. Group work was the worst. Somehow to me, those in my group did not like me to be in theirs. So I always kept quiet and ended up feeling sad for not particiapting. I kept quiet because I was scared that if I voiced my opinion, people would think it was stupid and hilarious. Maybe it was just me who felt this way but who could tell?

There were a lot of strange people out there within the school environment. Frankly, I did not think of myself as one but sometimes I could not help but wonder why of all people, God picked me. Being extremely shy, I could not remember the last time I went out with my friends to watch a movie. Come to think of it, I had never gone with my friends to watch movies. I had always felt uncomfortable alone since that was the kind of environment I grew up in.

Being a shy person made me a loner. Which was what I considered myself was. I went teverywhere alone whether it was to the canteen, the toilet, the laboratory or to the assembly ground. Some might think it was odd, but to me it was natural. But as a ‘normal’ human being,I became envious whenever I saw a group of friends walking, talking and laughing. So I decided to form a group of my own, for only the shy people.
As it turned out, no one in my school was as shy like me. Well, not shy exactly but a little scared to communicate with others. I had met a few though who were at a loss for words as I was when meeting somebody. When I talked to them, I felt a special bond among us. Robably because I felt at ease when talking to someone who had the same problem as I did. Surprise! They were normal too.

Shy people like us felt ashamed of ourselves because we could not seem to blend in with the people around us. All we could do was blend in with the wallpaper at parties if we ever got invited to one.
Feeling sorry for ourselves was our daily routine. Mine anyway. Everytime I came home from school I always asked myself why didn’t I do anything to change myself? It was not easy.

Being the odd one out in almost everything I did or participated gave me a clue as to how sad and lonely it felt to be one. Sometimes, when I came to school, I felt invisible. I tried being pleasant and friendly, but no one seemed to notice. I bet no one in my class knew me.

The reason for writing this is because I feel the need for all of us to appreciate everyone’s existence. Who wouldn’t want to be acknowledged? Some of them only remember others when they are in need of help. They take things for granted like for instance borrowing stationary items or money. There are people around us who are never never considered anything but a spare part. Just call us when you don’t have anyone else. That’s a little harsh but that’s how I feel.

Maybe when one grows up to be more mature and ‘adult’ it is ‘cool’ to be friends with those who remain ordinary boring or normal. Maybe in order to be accepted in the ‘cool’ crowd one needs to be popular, or own at least three pairs of tight fitting jeans, listen to ‘hip’ music, speak a different linguo, and ‘hang out’ in places that are trendy.

Right now I’m trying my best to be friends with everybody even if they don’t like me. Sooner or later, there will be shy people around and no one feels left out anymore. I really think that it is important to make others feel needed so that they have a sense of belonging.

Never let anybody feel that he is the odd one out because it will only make one feel ashamed of one’s existence and sorry for oneself. Do you want to know how I feel being left out? Well, it’s like ‘You don’t stand out and yet you don’t fit in! Maybe someday others would understand.

... Nurhafiza (2001)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

My Idol

I read this article in the Sun UK today about ManUnited stars naming their heroes. ManUnited present stars chose their footballing heroes ranging from Maradona to Peter Schmeichel to Robson and Roy Keane. But what surprised me was the fact that none of them mentioned and idolised George Best or even Bobby Charlton or Cantonna. Sir Alex Fergusson chose Dennis Law as the hero and inspirational guy in his footballing career (being a Scot himself, he has chosen another Scotsman!).

It was unbelievable needless to say that no one from the present United team had worshipped and idolised George Best. Man United was at its greatest time during the days of George Best. They won the European Cup then and he even won the prestigous European footballer of the year award!

And for them not chosing Cantonna is also dumbfounded!. Cantonna took and changed the United team and led United to its glory years and the present state. It was the buy of the century and the catch of the season when Fergusson bought Cantonna from Leeds. He had such an influential season with Leeds then and when Leeds agreed to let him go to United. that was the beginning of the end of Leeds United. Now that Man United has brought in Owen to Old Trafford. Will Fergusson be able to revive Owen's career and bring him back to thye England set up? God knows but I believed Fergusson may have just the right tonic and ways to tap Owen's flagging career!.

Like Giggs, I had always looked for left footed footballers as my idol. Players like Hoddle and Ricardo Villa (of course from Tottenham Hotspur), and Gascionne. My earlier idol was Revelino (Brazil), the footballer famous for his powerful left-foot shots and superb ability from free-kicks. Ever since he scored that goal in the 1970 World Cup from an indirect freekick, after a flicked by Pele, I have been worshipping Revelino like crazy. I used to practice his 'freekick' and try to emulate his style of play.

Then came Martin Peters. When Peters joined Spurs after the World Cup in 1966 from West Ham United, my love and support for Spurs grew stronger ever than before. To me, Peters was the perfect footballer, on and off the field. England won the 1966 World Cup and it was mainly due to England's midfield trio of Allan Ball, Bobby Charlton and of course, Martin Peters!. He truly inspired me!

ALEX FERGUSON said: "Denis was my hero. I idolised him. When I first met him I was so excited. It was at a game in Paris, he had played in the first half and we went for a cup of tea afterwards. I thought, 'This is it, I've made it!'
"He epitomised everything a Scotsman is about. He was daring and courageous, he had that bravado about him and he had style. He was a truly fantastic footballer."

Martin Peters

Three footballers rank at the top of the football cards league ladder for appearances between 1965 and 1980: Alan Ball, Martin Peters and Bobby Moore. The themes which link them are obvious: (1) they were members of the 1966 England World Cup winning team, ensuring their appearance on many cards from 1966 onwards and (2) their careers continued on well into the 1970s, meaning that they continued to be featured on cards of that period too.

Martin Peters was born in Plaistow, London on November 8, 1943. He began his football career as an apprentice at West Ham United in 1959, before signing on as a professional in November 1960. This was an era when West Ham were considered to have, on paper, one of the best sides in the league but never quite seemed to challenge for the Division One titles.

Peters made his England debut in May 1966, which makes it more remarkable that he was chosen for, and played a key role in, the World Cup Final victory. The World Cup final was only his 8th cap for England, and he went on to earn 59 more after that.

Peters' first appearance on a football card during the period covered by this site was in 1965/66 when he was featured in the Barratt & Co. A13 series of Famous Footballers.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Monday, June 15, 2009

A 'Real' buy!

Ronaldo's move from Man United to Spanish giants Real Madrid sets a new world record. A ‘real’ buy indeed!. It reflects and tells you about how ‘sport’ is being played or being manipulated nowadays., not on the football fields or courts or golf course sbut rather elsewhere. I am sure, in Madrid, fans (children especially), has already started buying and wearing Ronaldo’s T-shirts. Other merchandise such as boots, socks, shorts or even under garments bearing Ronaldo's name would be the ‘hot’ items. When Beckham joined Real Madrid, Real Madrid jersey number 23 was seen almost every where in Madrid. Not so sure whether Man United has that ‘hero’ and iconic figure right now in their team. Nobody in the present line out has that kind of ‘attention’ - the one that Beckham or Ronaldo or even Cantona has, to fill up Man United coffers the way the three players did. Rooney, Ferdinand, Carrick, Fletcher or even Giggs nor the 'target signing of Franck Ribery have such a ‘superstar’ image as Ronaldo or Bechkam.

Despite all the attention, Ronaldo has been warned his career will spin into freefall if he gets caught up in the glitz and glamour of Madrid by Queiroz - the coach who enjoyed two spells as assistant to Fergusson at United. He said: "I have my opinion about my wish regarding the career of Cristiano - and I think Manchester United was the right club for him. There were a lot of compromises and deals away from the pitch. When the club is huge and you put together players like Figo, Zidane, and Roberto Carlos, the challenge is huge!"

Obviously the reason why Real Madrid signed Ronaldo, apart from his footballing skills, has got something to do with marketing reasons and those connected to fashion and television appearances. At Real Madrid, these things can happen very easily.

Even Sepp Blatter has backed Cristiano Ronaldo's £80million move to Real Madrid, claiming: He is football's Picasso. But the real winner will be the 24-year-old Portuguese goal ace. 'I have had my time at Manchester United. It's time to look forward and 80 million is quite a sum of money. The deal is historic'. Of course its flattering when two of the top teams in the world want you to play for them. Ronaldo will be paid about £225,000 a week - meaning his basic earnings over five years will be nearly £60million. His pre-contract deal also includes an option for a further year worth more than £13million. And Ronaldo could scoop a further £30million in profits from his clothing company CR9, which will be endorsed by Real Madrid. Meaning he stands to pocket a cool £17million a year if he stays at the Bernabeu for six seasons.
That made him only the fifth best-paid in the world, behind England's David Beckham, Brazilians Ronaldinho and Ronaldo and Barcelona's ex-Arsenal striker Thierry Henry.

That is how much the Spanish giants are expecting to bank from the marketing and merchandising opportunities they will exploit out of Ronaldo.
A top Madrid source said: "He would be a great commercial asset and he could be worth up to £510m over a 10-year period. Madrid no longer have David Beckham and it can have a long-term effect on the revenues.
"In this aspect, Cristiano would make a huge impact.
"Beckham helped Real overtake United as the club with the highest proceeds. Ronaldo could be the difference in the next five to 10 years."

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Take 5

English F A Cup Final

Chelsea 2 Everton 1. Despite taking a very early lead, an opportunistic goal by Saha, it was not enough to bring back the Cup to Goodison Park. Drogba equalised in the 21st. minute and after that it was a matter of time when will Chelsea get another goal. And it came thru Lampard who scored with his weak left foot but enough placement to beat a slightly off-position Howard. Chelsea got another one thru Mouluda but the goal, a reminiscene of 1966 goal scored by Geoff Hurst at 'old' Wembley, was disallowed. Television replay clearly showed that the ball did crossed the line. But justice was done, when at the final whistle, Chelsea won by 2 goals againsy 1. Ashley Cole was declared the man of the match. To me the award should have been awarded to Mikel Obi, he was magnificent in midmield and it was he who actually won the game for Chelsea. Chelsea Chelsea..!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Champion's League Result

Ole.. ole.. ole.. ole., Barca.. Boleh!! Yezzzir, it's Barcelona 2 Manchester United 0. Barcelona is the champion of Europe!. A goal each by Samuel Eto'o and Lionel Messi doomed the Red Devils. After a promising start and as early as the 2nd. minute, United had the chance to score but attempt by J Sung was blocked by Barca goalie. Barca started nervously but in the 10th. minute, out of the blue and thru a solo effort and fantastic controlled and dribllingskills, Eto'o found the net when he shot passed Van Der Vaar. Man United goalie should have stopped the shot, but being quite a tall goalie, his movement and reaction was slow and sluggish, and United were punished. Ronaldo then tried to show to the world his'footballing antics' and tried hard to put United on level terms but was frustrated by the close and tight marking, a trademark of European football.

Second half started with United pulling off Anderson and replacing him with Tevez. Tried as they may but clearly, United were desperate and their tactics were easily read by Barca. Then came the unexpected but spot on lobbed by Xavi who found Messi unmarked and he scored through a header. Ferdinand was the nearest to Messi but his marking was terrible. After the goal United became more panicked and desperate - they took offf J Sung with Barbatov and later Giggs with Scholes, but hell no, the devils left their shooting boots at home.

Fergusson gambled by playing Ferdinand and Giggs - they were too slow and sluggish and their movements were restricted bcos of tired legs. Van Der Saar is passed his prime. Messi and Iniesta clearly controlled the game and their approach to the final with short passing and closed marking, left the Devils frustrated. Rooney tried hard,. He even has his temper under controlled. Perhaps that was United mistake, asking Rooney to stay calm and cool. Ronaldo showed this towards the last quarter of the game and received yellow card for his foul on Puyol. Maybe the speculation and much talk of him moving to Real Madrid unsettled him. Anyway, hard luck United.., if only they were playing Chelsea, they could have won the trophy.

Monday, May 18, 2009


Old Boys Weekend for 2009 is scheduled on the 26th to 28th of June, 2009. Please save these dates in your organizer to ensure the dates do not conflict with other events. This year's event is organised by Batch 89.
For those interested in attending the gathering, you can now register online. Click HERE to register online and a free (very nice black t-shirt) t-shirt is to be given away to the first 100. Fee is at RM50.00 and is payable via ATM Cash Deposit or ATM 3rd Party Fund Transfer (Maybank or CIMB).

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Belated Teacher's day

Like others, I too have fond memories of teachers who have helped and shaped me as I am today.
One was a teacher called Manoharan, who taught us Biology when I was in Form Six. Manoharan, reminded me of a joke that he shared with us during one of his Biology classes. It was about a couple who had just been married - a Professor and a beauty Queen. One day the wife was heard saying, 'just imagine my dear, if we were to have a baby one day, the baby will have 'my beauty' and 'your inteeligent'!. Yeah, replied the husband, 'What if the child has 'my beauty' and 'your brain'!!
Another teacher was my Remove Class teacher, Mr. Lee Kam Choon - our Form Master and English teacher. One day whilst teaching, he stopped suddenly and asked for some papers. Mohd Noor Hassan, then our monitor, quickly and confidently, beating others to it, tore some papers from his exercise books and gave them to Mr. Lee. He quickly grabbed the papers and rushed off to the toilet. It was my first understanding and lesson that Chinese needs papers (toilet papers) to accomplish their mission in the toliet.
How could we forget Mr. Thambyrajah. He has this 'habit' of staring for a few minutes at the desk before entering the classes. He will go back and forth looking at the desk for a few times until he was 'satisfied' and 'done' and presume that everything was okay before entering. The class had to wait until he settled down with his 'antics' before we could greet him Good morning. The same routine applies after he finishes his classes, too. But, goodness me, I couldnot recalled the subject he taught us!. Was it Geography?!
Mr. Tan Teong Leong (TTL) was the one who likes to 'kuti' or pinched your tummy whenever you failed his History tests. And he will ridiculed and made funny calls to your name in doing so. I can remember one name he frequently and liked to make fun with - our Ismail Jumli (Captain). TTL will call him - 'Ismail Jumlah!.
I remembered the sweet Ms. Foong Pek Wann who taught us English cum General Paper in Form Six class. In one of her class, Shoib was asked to read a text from a book when suddenly she shouted, 'Shoib, speak louder, I can't see!. She had forgotten to bring her glasses to class.
To all dear teachers... a Happy belated Teachers' Day.


About 80 people including spouses and children attended the dinner held at STAR Fresh Chinese Muslim Restaurant in Seremban last nite. STAROBA President, YB Hamzah Zainuddin was there as early as 815 pm. The event took off slowly and the numbers grew towards the end, thanks and no thanks, to another event - a wedding ceremony - that was also held within the same vicinity - at Spanish Villa, Senawang by Zainal Mat Isa (69 Batch). The food was okay but not the place, if you asked my opinion. With noises coming from the main eating area (actually life music from a guy behind his music machine, spoiling what seemed to me quite a momentos nite for an old boy gathering session. Speeches by YBhg. Dato Ishak Ismail (Jack Palace) and from YB President had some jokes and a few anecdotes from life experience in Tiger lane. One thing for sure. Lucky me I did not bring my spouse or children along, otherwise I would have to do a bit of explaination to do to them when both speakers came out with words that were too familiar to us in school but not to them. I think it was uncalled for, well yes we did love to the jokes, reminiscing those confined years in Tiger Lane but having to tell and share them with your spouses and children is rather difficult. 'Road check' (or was it rochek), Jublee Park, 'kopi korek' - were amongst those came out during the speech. I hope these things wont be repeated at the Old Boys' Week to be held in Ipoh next month. Anyway, only three of us (Rustam, Rahim Osman and me from batch 73) attended the function. Apart from me, there were four others (Batch 73) from Negri Sembilan; Zulkifli Siraj (Ajoi), Omar Abdullah, Abdul Khalim Rashid (Dr.) and Mohd. Yusoff Abu Bakar (Che Chop). Apart from Omar and Khalim, we have not heard nor see both Ajoi and Che Chop, for almost 36 years!!. InsyaAllah, next month perhaps, during OBW in Ipoh.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Book Review

Saya Pun Melayu!
by M. Bakri Musa

Book Review: Saya Pun Melayu (I Am Also A Malay)Foreword by Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.ZI Publications Sdn Bhd, Petaling Jaya, 2009. 312 pages. RM 35.00

The Annual UMNO General Assembly is also the season for the release of new books on local politics written in Malay. It must be a profitable venue and time, for the number of new titles keeps growing each year.

Foreigners may mistake this to reflect a healthy intellectual discourse, or at least a vigorous political debate. The reality however, is far different. With such titillating titles as “50 Dalil Mengapa XYZ Tidak Layak …” (Fifty Reason s Why XYZ Is Unfit For … ) and the promiscuous use of “half-past six English,” this “genre” poisons the political atmosphere, quite apart from degrading our national language.

As for content, these books are nothing more than warong kopi (coffee shop) gossips transcribed. Observers and political scientists hoping to gain an insight on Malaysian politics would do well to avoid these books. And they have. These books will never be cited in reputable publications or quoted by respected commentators.

Enter Zaid Ibrahim’s Saya Pun Melayu (I Am Also A Malay). It too was released to coincide with the recent UMNO General Assembly. There the similarity ends. This gem of a diamond sparkles with insights and wisdom. Like a diamond, this book too has innumerable multifaceted sharp edges that cut through rock-headed politicians. I would be insulting Zaid if I were to compare his thoughtful and well written book to the thrash that littered the hallways of Dewan Merdeka, where the recent Assembly took place.

Greater Impact Than The Malay Dilemma

A more appropriate comparison would be Mahathir’s The Malay Dilemma, written some 40 years ago and also at a time when UMNO and Malays were going through a critical crisis. This book will have an even greater impact than The Malay Dilemma.

Like Mahathir’s, the first run of this book quickly sold out, but unlike Mahathir’s, this book has not been banned. This is not due to any greater enlightenment on the part of the authorities today, rather a tribute to Zaid’s skillful and subtle approach. Whereas Mahathir is frontal and polemical, meant more to shock if not insult readers, Zaid, ever the accomplished corporate lawyer, takes a softer and polite approach. In contrast to Mahathir’s anger and indignant rhetoric, Zaid is more sorrowful and disappointment over UMNO’s current malaise. Zaid persuades us with his rational arguments; Mahathir barrages us with his accusations. Mahathir caters to our baser emotions and sense of victimization; Zaid to our intellect and pristine values of our culture.

Our culture goes for Zaid’s halus ways, of subtleties and obliqueness. Thus he is devastatingly effective, as for example in upbraiding his former cabinet colleagues who are lawyers. Rais Yatim, Syed Hamid Albar, Hishammuddin Hussein, and Azalina Othman, among others, are chastised for failing to live up to their professional ethics and obligations as shown by their disrespect for the due process of law and basic human rights. In Malay, Zaid’s polite criticisms are very damning. It would be difficult to maintain this tone with this style had the book been written in English. The translator should ponder this point.

The book is in three parts. The first is the author’s reflection on and prescription for our nation’s current predicaments. Zaid tackles such “hot” issues as Ketuanan Melayu (Malay hegemony), the rule of law, and the role of the monarchy in a democracy. It also includes his very brief tenure as Abdullah Badawi’s Law Minister.

The second is a brief memoir of sorts where he traced his humble origin in a village deep in Ulu Kelantan to become a highly successful corporate attorney who created the nation’s largest law firm. It also includes his tenure in UMNO politics and his current philanthropic works, where he has been recognized by Forbes magazines as Asia’s Inaugural Heroes of Philanthropy. The last part contains short profiles of Malaysians he admires (which includes former Chief Justice Salleh Abbas), his hopes on the future of Malays, and the current state of Malay, specifically UMNO, politics.

UMNO No Longer Represents Malays

One could be readily excused in assuming that those rent-seeking, keris-brandishing, and race-taunting types that infest UMNO represent the best if not the essence of the Malay race. Or that the angry menacing Mat Rempits, the jungle version of Hell’s Angels so eagerly being embraced by UMNO Youth, are the future of Malays.

Zaid’s ideas and approaches are the antithesis of UMNO’s. In deliberately choosing the simple title, Zaid is emphasizing that his is also a legitimate if not the prevailing viewpoint. To me, Zaid represents more of the essence of Malayness while those corrupt pseudo modernized UMNO types just happen to be Malays. They are the ones who soil our culture and give it a bad odor.
Zaid writes teasingly that he has already set a record of sorts by being the shortest serving cabinet minister! Here is another observation also worthy of the record books. He is the only minister whose reputation is enhanced on leaving office! Not to belittle Zaid’s own fine personal qualities and considerable achievements, that says a lot on the caliber of people leading Malaysia today!

Zaid takes to task UMNO leaders for presuming to speak on behalf of all Malays. It is clear now that they do not. In the chapter “Masa Depan Melayu” (The Future of Malays) in Part III, Zaid suggests that Malays must be outward looking, willing to learn from others, and not be obsessed with empty slogans like Ketuanan Melayu. The road to Ketuanan Melayu, he writes, is not by shouting your lungs out at every gathering, rather through diligence, hard work, and most of all, superior education.

Zaid relates his experience as a university student leader on a three-month trip to America visiting the top campuses (“Memburu Cita Cita, (Pursuing You Dreams) Chapter 8 Part II). This was in the 1970s, the height of the anti-Vietnam protests. He was struck that even though America was at war its government was still tolerant of dissent.

Decades later as Abdullah’s Law Minister, he was appalled when the government he was a part of detained dissenters like Raja Petra and Teresa Kok under the ISA. Not surprisingly, Zaid’s departure from the cabinet soon followed.

I have met many Malaysians who have lived for many years in America and yet miss this important aspect of American exceptionalism. Their America is the shopping malls, porno shops, and blighted downtowns.

Zaid’s ideas and observations resonate with me, as well as many Malaysians. Hear is the voice of a successful Malay professional and a member of the political elite. That he now quits UMNO is a loss for it but a gain for Malaysia. Another blessing is that he is now free to pursue his philanthropic works as well as his involvement in NGOs. And being an effective critic of the government!

To me the most valuable part of the book is his brief memoir (Part II). Zaid clearly subscribes early to the values he writes about. His divorced father took him away from the village to live with him in Kota Baru where he could attend an English school (Sultan Ismail College). When he reached secondary level he felt the urge to leave, to see the greater world beyond.

He chose English College in Johor Baru, at the very opposite end of the peninsula. The school however accepts new students only if their families were transferred there. So he wrote to the principal stating that indeed he had a “family” (his distant cousin) transferred to the Army base there. His father willingly signed the letter for him and supported his decision.

Unlike in Kota Baru where his classmates were almost exclusively Malays, down there he had an environment more reflective of Malaysia. From there he went on to Sekolah Tun Razak in Ipoh for his Form Six, where he excelled in debates, and then to UiTM for his law studies.
Except for about seven months in London at one of the Inns to qualify for the Bar, and the earlier trip to America, Zaid spent his formative years in Malaysia. It is remarkable that he could have such an open and receptive attitude. We have many who spent years at the best British universities only to return quickly to their old kampong mentality upon coming home.
Zaid has what the Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck refers to as a “growth mindset,” in contrast to a “fixed mindset.” Those with the growth mindset believe that their fate is dependent on how adaptive they are in seizing opportunities, and on their ability to grow and gain from their experiences. They do not believe that their fate is dependent on what nature had bestowed upon them, the benevolence of some remote emperor, or what had been written in the book of life. The “fixed mindset” view their talent and ability as fixed, and that their lot in life is ultimately tied to their innate nature, especially their intelligence and ‘giftedness.’

Zaid is always learning from others and improving on what they had done. He writes of his early experience articling in a prestigious law firm where he was offered a position. That was definitely a career coup, a young lawyer’s dream. What soured it were the whisperings among his colleagues that he was offered simply because the firm wanted to increase its Malay representation. After much soul searching, Zaid declined the offer. That must have shocked those senior partners. Another “dumb” Malay refusing to seize opportunities, they must have thought!

Zaid too must have questioned himself a thousand times in the years following that tough decision, especially when he had difficulty trying to borrow from MARA (a measly RM25,000.00) to start his own firm. In the end, he created ZICO, a law firm that easily bested the one where he articled. Not only is it the largest, it is also one of the few that could handle the complex needs of multinational corporations, and the first to venture abroad.
That is where a growth mindset could lead you.

Going back to MARA, an institution I am a never a fan of, Zaid relates an incident visiting his alma mater soon after being appointed Law Minister. He wanted to spend a few minutes to give the students a “pep talk.” On the appointed day, he was surprised by the overflowing crowd. Then as is typical, the Vice Chancellor, one Ibrahim Abu Shah (a “Dato’ Seri Prof. Dr.” no less!) hogged all the allotted time, pouring embarrassingly effusive praises on Zaid. He was left with a scant few minutes!

A few months later, after Zaid resigned as a minister and gave his talk at the Asean Law Forum where he challenged the wisdom of Ketuanan Melayu, that same Ibrahim called Zaid a traitor to our race! As Zaid says, our intellectuals are also now speaking like politicians. Zaid may not realize this; they do so because they are essentially politicians who happen to wear academic robes. Scholars and intellectuals they are not.

I wish all Malaysians would read this book. Our policy makers would benefit more from reading this instead of the World Bank’s dense treatises on rural poverty. The tribulations of his childhood that Zaid so well described are still very much the reality today for a vast number of young Malays. Zaid was fortunate in that his father saw the value of a good education. Many parents are trapped between needing their children to work to lessen the family’s burden and going to school. If our government were to adopt programs like Mexico’s Progresa where parents are being paid for keeping their children in school, then we would help those parents make the right decision that would benefit them and the nation in the long term.
If UMNO members and leaders were to read this volume they might just be disabused of their delusion of Ketuanan Melayu and ethnocentric mindset. On the other hand they might not like it when they realize their own stupidities. For young Malays, Zaid is an aspiration, of what is within their grasp if only they could see through the fraud of Ketuanan Melayu that is being perpetrated upon them. For non-Malays, this book might just erase some of their negative stereotypes of Malays they harbor.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book not only because of the remarkable personal story but also for the style of writing. Malays writers writing in Malay (and often also in English) tend to use non-declarative sentences. Thus instead of saying, “I like vanilla ice cream!” they would write, “On matters of ice cream taste, I like vanilla!” The latter takes nearly twice as many words, and the reader also has to shift gears. Very irritating!

This book is a valuable contribution to the political discourse, and it comes at a time when it is badly needed. Rest assured that this book will be talked about for years.
Correction Doc. Zaid did his Form Six in Sekolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman, Ipoh (STAR, Ipoh).


The date: 16 May 2009 (Sat).
Time: 8 pm
The place: Star Fruit Chinese Muslim Restaurant, Km 12, Jalan Kuala Pilah - Seremban (at the foot of Bukit Putus)
The Occassion: STAROBA NS/Malacca Dinner
STAROBA Presiden, YB Dato Hamzah Zainuddin
will be there to grace the occassion.
Fees: RM35 per person (free admission for spouse)
FREE ADMISSION for STAROBANS 55 years and above!
For Confirmation, please contact Cik Samsiah : Tel : 06-6855166
OR Cik Hana : 012-3570957
'Jumpa di sanaaaa!!"

Monday, May 11, 2009

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Champion's League Results

Hard luck Chelsea. Try again next time. But the drama in Stamford Bridge took to the worst after the final whistle when Chelsea players - Terry, Lampard and Drogba especially confronted the refferee for what they seemed to be claiming bias reffereeing. Very unsporting indeed. Should they feel that they were a victim of bias reffereeing, they should have protested then during the game. Once you carry on with the game then it is fair and square.

Barcelona did try to come back to the game once they found themselves trailing suddenly, out of the 'blue' from a 'lucky strike' by Essien. Then there were close calls for penalties claimed by Chelsea but was ignored by the ref. Even after Barcelone was left with 10 players, they continued to dominate the game and Chelsea players seemed to be ball watching and more than happy to simply kick and clear their goal areas. But, this is Champion's League where away goals may decide the game. Barcelona did just exactly that. God must have answered their (or was it FIFA's prayer) when Iniesta had a decent and clear shot at Chelsea goal.. and scored!! One all and Barcelona will be going to Rome for the showdown with Man United. Chelsea was left fuming.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Champion League Results

Arsenal 1 Manchester United 3. Arsenal was truly beaten this time in London. There was no escape this time for Arsenal. Almunia could do nothing, Fabregas could do no passing and despite what Wenger did promise to give Man United a fight, it did not come. It took a rather awkward and lucky break for Man United though to be one goal up. Thanks to a slipped by Gibbs which left Park Ji Sung with the opportunity to score. He did and it was 0 - 1 Man United. Then came the strike by Ronaldo on the 11th. minutes after he was fouled by Van Persie. From almost 35 yards out, he unleashed a cracker and Almunia was beaten. Came half time and I expected Arsenal to come back charging after a brashing by Arsene Wenger but Fabregas and Co. must have known, realised and felt that Arsenal trophy cabinet will be bare again for another year. When Ronaldo scored again after a sensational breakthru out of Arsenal's corner, clearance by Vidic to Ronaldo, who passed the ball to Ji Sung, who then slipped it over to Rooney, who then crossed a curler and was well connected by Ronaldo for his 2nd. goal, Arsenal was in tatters!. Fletcher was sent out after a clumsy tackle on Fabregas whci ruled him out of the final in Rome. Van Persie converted the penalty but Arsenal was already dead and gone at the Emirates!. Fianal score, semi final of the Champion league... Man United 4 Arsenal 1. Glory glory Man United!
Tonight, Chelsea will play host to Barcelona in the other semi-final. Another London flop!? We'll see!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Selamat hari Ibu

Terima e-mail dari sahabat. Selepas membaca e-mail tersebut, saya terkedu..
Saya ingin berkongsi e-mail tersebut dengan yang sudi berkongsi...

Orang kata aku lahir dari perut mak..
(bukan org kata...memang betul)

Bila dahaga, yang susukan aku....mak
Bila lapar, yang suapkan aku....mak
Bila keseorangan, yang sentiasa di sampingku.. ..mak
Kata mak, perkataan pertama yang aku sebut....mak
Bila bangun tidur, aku cari....mak
Bila nangis, orang pertama yang datang ....mak
Bila nak bermanja, aku dekati....mak
Bila nak bergesel, aku duduk sebelah....mak
Bila sedih, yang boleh memujukku hanya....mak
Bila nakal, yang memarahi aku....mak
Bila merajuk, yang memujukku cuma....mak
Bila melakukan kesalahan, yang paling cepat marah....mak
Bila takut, yang tenangkan aku....mak
Bila nak peluk, yang aku suka peluk....mak
Aku selalu teringatkan ....mak
Bila sedih, aku mesti talipon....mak
Bila seronok, orang pertama aku nak beritahu.....mak
Bila bengang.. aku suka luah pada..mak
Bila takut, aku selalu panggil... "mmaaakkkk! "
Bila sakit, orang paling risau adalah....mak
Bila nak exam, orang paling sibuk juga....mak
Bila buat hal, yang marah aku dulu....mak
Bila ada masalah, yang paling risau.... mak
Yang masih peluk dan cium aku sampai hari ni.. mak
Yang selalu masak makanan kegemaranku....mak
kalau balik ke kampung, yang selalu bekalkan ulam & lauk pauk.....mak
Yang selalu simpan dan kemaskan barang-barang aku....mak
Yang selalu berleter kat aku...mak
Yang selalu puji aku....mak
Yang selalu nasihat aku....mak
Bila nak kahwin..Orang pertama aku tunjuk dan rujuk.....mak

Aku dah ada pasangan hidup sendiri....

Bila seronok, aku cari....pasanganku
Bila sedih, aku cari....mak

Bila berjaya, aku ceritakan pada....pasanganku
Bila gagal, aku ceritakan pada....mak

Bila bahagia, aku peluk erat....pasanganku
Bila berduka, aku peluk erat....emakku

Bila nak bercuti, aku bawa....pasanganku
Bila sibuk, aku hantar anak ke rumah....mak

Bila sambut valentine.. Aku bagi hadiah pada pasanganku
Bila sambut hari ibu...aku cuma dapat ucapkan “Selamat Hari Ibu

Selalu.. aku ingat pasanganku
Selalu.. mak ingat kat aku

Bila-bila... aku akan talipon pasanganku
Entah bila... aku nak talipon mak

Selalu...aku belikan hadiah untuk pasanganku
Entah bila... aku nak belikan hadiah untuk emak

"Kalau kau sudah habis belajar dan berkerja... bolehkah kau kirim wang untuk mak?
mak bukan nak banyak... lima puluh ringgit sebulan pun cukuplah".
Berderai air mata jika kita mendengarnya........

Tapi kalau mak sudah tiada..........

Berapa ramai yang sanggup menyuapkan ibunya....
berapa ramai yang sanggup mencuci muntah ibunya.....
berapa ramai yang sanggup mengantikan lampin ibunya.....
berapa ramai yang sanggup membersihkan najis ibunya.......
berapa ramai yang sanggup membuang ulat dan membersihkan luka kudis ibunya....
berapa ramai yang sanggup berhenti kerja untuk menjaga ibunya.....
dan akhir sekali berapa ramai yang sembahyang JENAZAH ibunya......


Seorang anak mendapatkan ibunya yang sedang sibuk menyediakan makan malam di dapur lalu menghulurkan sekeping kertas yang bertulis sesuatu. Si ibu segera mengesatkan tangan di apron menyambut kertas yang dihulurkan oleh si anak lalu membacanya.Kos upah membantu ibu:

1) Tolong pergi kedai : RM4.00
2) Tolong jaga adik : RM4..00
3) Tolong buang sampah : RM1.00
4) Tolong kemas bilik : RM2.00
5) Tolong siram bunga : RM3.00
6) Tolong sapu sampah : RM3.00
Jumlah : RM17.00

Selesai membaca, si ibu tersenyum memandang si anak sambil sesuatu berlegar-legar si mindanya. Si ibu mencapai sebatang pen dan menulis sesuatu di belakang kertas yang sama.

1) Kos mengandungkanmu selama 9 bulan - PERCUMA
2) Kos berjaga malam kerana menjagamu - PERCUMA
3) Kos air mata yang menitis keranamu - PERCUMA
4) Kos kerunsingan kerana bimbangkanmu - PERCUMA
5) Kos menyediakan makan minum, pakaian, dan keperluanmu -PERCUMA
Jumlah Keseluruhan Nilai Kasihku - PERCUMA

Air mata si anak berlinang setelah membaca apa yang dituliskan oleh siibu. Si anak menatap wajah ibu, memeluknya dan berkata,

"Saya Sayangkan Ibu". Kemudian si anak mengambil pen dan menulis "Telah Dibayar" pada mukasurat yang sama ditulisnya.
Selamat Hari Ibu ... 10 Mei 2009

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Malaysia massacre 'under review'
Tuesday, 28 April 2009 Bold
I came across this article by BBC News UK but I'm lost as what actually is this thing all about. A massacre in Batang Kali? This is news man! And Downing Street better answer fast to this matter. Is it related to Hindraf's claims?

Evidence about a 1948 massacre of unarmed Malaysian villagers by British troops is to be reviewed by the UK government, the BBC understands.
Government lawyers have written to survivors asking for evidence and testimony about the killing of 24 villagers in Batang Kali.
The Scots Guards raid, near the capital Kuala Lumpur, was meant to target communist insurgents.
In January, the UK rejected activists' call for an inquiry into the massacre....

More ....

Champion's League Results

Man U 1 Arsenal 0. This time around, it was lucky Arsenal. Man United could have buried Arsenal alived at Old Trafford. John O'Shes scored the goals in the first half. Rooney, Tevez and Ronaldo colud have got the goals as well. Arsenal should thanked their goalkeeper for all the saves that he made. Arsenal still has a chance at Stadium of Emirates but they must go back to their style of playing. Surely not the way they played last nite ( or rather, morning). Long through balls are desperates moves and has no class. Teams employing such tactics do not deserve to be Champion's League champion. Arsene Wenger must bring back the 'Arsenal' style. Fabrigas and not Nasri should be manning the midfield together with Song. Anyway, we'll wait for the return leg in London. Possible Man United against Barcelone for final?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Champion League Results

Barcelona 0 Chelsea 0. But with due respect to Chelsea, they were lucky to have kept a clean sheet. Of course there were not many chances but Samuel Eto’o, Bojan and Alex Hleb had the greatest of chance to settle the event. Petr Cech did well enough to block Eto' o attempt and Bojan miscalculated his timing for a headed goal and Hleb lost his balance which otherwise could have smashed the ball into Chelsea's net. Chelsea resorted to long balls and after they took out Lampard had agreat opportunity to score through Malouda but Valdes was too quick to intercept and blocked the attempt. They'll meet again in London for the return leg but the way Barcelona was playing in Nou Camp, as if they had two extra players, meant that Chelsea has to dig really dig for ways to exploit Barca weakest point which so far is none. But one thing for sure, stop the long balls please Chelsea. Chelsea were lucky in Nou Camp. Lionel Messi, Thierry Henry and Samuel Eto’o, who had rattled in 90 goals between them since September, suddenly forgot where the net was.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Over the weekend, there will be a wedding reception by Abdul Halim Daud. He has invited all STAR Batch of '73 for the occassion. Hope to see a few of them whom I have not met since Form 5 (almost 36 years!!). Details of the reception:

Date: 25 April 2009
Time: 12.00 - 4.00 pm
Venue: Dewan Sri Siantan
Kompleks Renang Selayang Bharu
(Jalan Batu Caves ke Sungai Tua)
opposite Klinik Kesihatan Selayang Bharu.

Take 5, Bro!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Champion League Results.

Man United 1 Porto FC 0. Arsenal 3 Villareal 0. Having taken an early lead in the 6th. minutes thru Ronaldo, Man United gave such a lethargic performance. They seemed to be lacking of ideas and keep on playing high thru balls which Porto players seemed delighted to contend with. They lacked command in midfield. The combination of Giggs, Ronaldo, Anderson and Carrick in midfield seemed lost and not functioning. Thus they resorted to long thru balls. Only Wayne Rooney worth mentioning and he was the only one that Porto had to keep at bay which they did.

Meanwhile, Arsenal joined Chelsea and did London proud by beating Villareal thru goals from Walcott, Adebayor and Van Persie (penalty). That penalty won by Arsenal when Walcott seemed to be fouled by Eguren was rather harsh. Nonetherless, Arsenal deserved to go thru to the semi final. Their engine in midfield, manning by Fabregas and Song kept Arsenal game going and a pleasure to watch. They are no longer boring to be watched but rather it was 'Boring.., Boring man United!'.

Forget Man United. Forget about Chelsea. Based on the current form and style of playing, I think the final is between Barca and Arsenal.