Saturday, April 11, 2009

Guano mu!!

What transpired in Kota Bharu last week during FAM football match between Negeri Sembilan and Kelantan was beyond belief. Just could not belief my eyes that they can actually do that. Even worst was the daring action of toppling and burning the police truck. Whatever the reason that Kelantanese may claimed, referree biased or the goal was uncounted or Negeri players 'curi ayam' or there was a pushing going on (was it the reason why Halim Napi was so bloody angry with Aidil Safuan!! Gosh!!) or ' whatever it was, their acts were uncalled for. FAM better act fast and remedy the situation.
I strongly belief that if we were to uplift our standard of living, then sport is the sector and avenue that we can relly on, the one that we must focus and concentrate upon. Kanu (formerly of Arsenal), Eissien, Eto'o and other African players came of age and became millionaires thru football. A lot of efforts is currently being done by the African government thru their football association to train more African kids to take up football seriously, to prepare them to be soccer players and to feed the European football clubs. Wake up Malaysians, Malaysia Boleh!!

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